An Evening with Gay Talese, The New York Society Library, 4/29/25

Book Launch for GABRIËLLE, by Anne and Claire Berest, The Strand, NY, 4/25/25

Discussion with Mina Seçkin, Author of THE FOUR HUMORS, Rutgers University Barnes and Noble, New Brunswick, NJ, 4/14/25

Book launch for AUDITION, by Katie Kitamura, The Free Library, Philadelphia, PA, 4/9/25

Conversation on Literary Criticism with Joanna Biggs, The Yale Review Festival, New Haven, CT, 4/9/25

Discussion with Roxane Gay, Writers at Rutgers Reading Series, New Brunswick, NJ, 2/5/25

Discussion with Melissa Febos, author of THE DRY SEASON, Paris, France, 1/9/25

Literature and Memory: Writing the History of Our People, An Albertine 10th Anniversary Event, with A.M. Homes and Anne Berest, Albertine Books, New York, 11/16/24

Lunch Talk with Alexander Chee, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 11/4/24

Book Launch for THE THIRD REALM, by Karl Ove Knausgaard, with Brandon Taylor, McNally Jackson Seaport, NY, 10/4/24

Book Launch for SMALL RAIN by Garth Greenwell, Harvard Book Store, Cambridge, MA, 9/4/24

Book Launch for THE CARTOGRAPHERS by Ayşegül Savas, The Center for Fiction, Brooklyn, 7/16/24

Book Launch for ALL THIS & MORE by Peng Shepherd, Barnes and Noble, Brooklyn, 7/15/24

Food Cultures: A conversation with Sanae Lemoine and Mayukh Sen, PS21, Chatham, NY, 6/23/24

Discussion with Elisa Shua Dusapin, author of WINTER IN SOKCHO, Paris, France, 6/4/24

Book Launch for BLUE RUIN by Hari Kunzru, McNally Jackson Seaport, 5/20/24

Book Launch for SO LONG IT’S NIGHT by Hari Krishna Kaul with translator Kaplana Raina, Community Bookstore, Brooklyn, 5/1o/24

Paperback Launch for Brandon Taylor’s THE LATE AMERICANS, McNally Jackson Seaport, 4/22/24

Discussion with John Arias, author of WHERE THERE WAS FIRE, Rutgers University Barnes and Noble, New Brunswick, 4/16/24

Fiction Reading, Cake Zine, The Invisible Dog, Brooklyn, 4/11/24

Victor Heringer’s THE LOVE OF SINGULAR MEN, with translator James Young, McNally Jackson Seaport, 3/25/24

Discussion with Zain Khalid, author of BROTHER ALIVE, Rutgers University Barnes and Noble, New Brunswick, 3/24/24

Host of Roxane Gay’s event with Kaveh Akbar’s MARTYR!, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 2/19/24

The Criticism of Translated Books: A Words Without Borders Conversation with Laura Marris, Michele Filgate, and Justin Rosier, AWP, Kansas City, 2/10/24

Ethical Representation: A Literary Agent Panel with Kent Wolf and Monika Woods, AWP, Kansas City, 2/9/24

Book Launch for Gerardo Sámano Córdova’s MONSTRILIO, Books are Magic, Brooklyn, 1/19/24

Host of the Albertine Translation Prize Ceremony, Villa Albertine, Manhattan, 1/18/24

Book Launch for Marie NDiaye’s VENGEANCE IS MINE, Community Book Store, Brooklyn, 10/16/23

Labor and Literary Criticism: A Panel Discussion with Jennifer Wilson, E. Tammy Kim, Nora Caplan-Bricker, and Zoe Hu. National Book Critics Circle, 8/10/23

Book Launch for Maya Binyam’s HANGMAN, Book are Magic, BK, NY, 8/9/23

“A Vocabulary of Pleasure” with Parul Sehgal, Words Without Borders, 8/2/23

Fiction Reading at Rally Reading Series, NYC, 6/1/23

Panel Discussion on Awards for Books in Translation, ALTA, 5/23/23

Book Launch for Jaroslav Kalfar’s A BRIEF HISTORY OF LIVING FOREVER, Powerhouse Books, NY 3/28/23

Book Launch for Jake Bittle’s THE GREAT DISPLACEMENT, McNally Jackson, NY 2/2/23

Fiction Reading at Franklin Park Reading Series, NYC, 12/12/22

Appearance on The Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC, discussing “Letters to Jeb Bush”, NY, 10/24/22

Literary Reading at Invisible Dog Gallery with Garth Greenwell, Raven Leilani, Brandon Taylor, and Sanaë Lemoine, BK, NY, 9/29/22

Book Launch for Ling Ma’s BLISS MONTAGE, Greenlight Bookstore, NY, 9/14/22

Video of Interview with Tess Gunty, Books are Magic, BK, NY, 8/11/22

Transcript and Video of Interview with Merve Emre, Words Without Borders, BK, NY, 6/16/22

Video of Interview with Elif Shafak and Ayşegül Savaş, Center For Fiction, BK, NY, 2/17/22

Video of Appearance on BBC News World Tonight, Discussing Joan Didion, 12/23/21

Video of Interview with Laura Marris and Alice Kaplan about The Plague, Community Bookstore, BK, 11/9/21

Video of interview with Kit Fan and Petra Hůlová, Litquake, San Francisco, 10/10/21

Video of interview with Merve Emre about Mrs. Dalloway, Community Bookstore, BK, 9/2/21

Video of interview with Alex Kleeman, Community Bookstore, BK, 8/19/21

Video of interview with Brandon Taylor, Community Bookstore, BK, 7/1/21

Video of Interview with Pilar Quintana, Barbara’s Bookstore, Chicago, 11/13/20

Video of Interview with Raven Leilani, Community Bookstore, BK 10/21/20

Video of Interview with Ilana Masad, Litquake on Lockdown, 7/13/20

Video of Interview with World Editions authors Esther Gerritsen, Adeline Dieudonné, Pierre Jarawan, Sisonke Msimang, and Amin Maalou, Litquake on Lockdown, 4/24/20

Interview with An Yu, Community Bookstore, BK, 3/25/20

Fiction Reading for Dead Rabbits reading series, 2/9/20

Interview with Linda Boström Knausgaard, Community Bookstore, BK, 10/17/19

Fiction Reading, Writers from Rutgers, Barnes and Noble, New Brunswick, 4/30/19

Fiction Exhibition, Visitors from Shallow Space, Fresh Window, Brooklyn, 10/18/19-11/18/19

Panel Discussion and Book Signing with Darin Strauss, Comic-Con, New York, 10/05/18

Fiction Reading, Picasso Machinery Reading Series, Brooklyn, 4/25/18

Fiction Reading, Gavagai Reading Series, Brooklyn, 3/15/18

Fiction Reading for Pigeon Pages Reading Series, Powerhouse Books, BK, 4/30/17

Fiction Reading for Lamprophonic reading series, 3/24/17

Contributed Text to Emma Sulkowicz’s “The Healing Touch Integral Wellness Center” performance, Philadelphia, January 2017

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